Elementor #28267

Get Started With

Mantra Meditation

Chantnow is a project created purely for the cultivation and preservation of new devotees.


Based out of Sri Dham Mayapur, we offer manpower in the form of full time, initiated devotees, whose primary service and focus is systematically train your bhaktas in the art of Krishna consciousness. 

What We Offer


Take the first step with Chant Now, and our 7-Day Chanting Workshop, where you will learn what a mantra is, what the maha-mantra is and what makes it special.

We also offer one-on-one Guided Meditation Sessions, where we share practical tips and guidelines recommended by experienced meditators and practicing bhakti-yogis, to help make it easier for you to make mantra meditation an integral part of your life.

Our Services

Guided Sessions

The classes are led by the folks at Chant Now. While they come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and ages (yay diversity!), they do have one thing in common – they are all practising bhakti yogis with a love for teaching and have spent their lives learning and teaching the practices and philosophy of this ancient tradition to thousands around the world.


Posts about best practices for chanting, mantra meditation tips, other information about bhakti-yoga, and more. We invite you to explore our posts and videos.

Guided Meditation

To help you get started with mantra meditation we have produced some simple guided meditations that you can listen to and follow.

Kirtan Weekly

Kirtan is musical meditation – a call and response form of group chanting often accompanied by instruments which can be performed anywhere. So we, at Chantnow, want to provide you with regular kirtans and devotional songs, so that in your own space you can also connect with the kirtan experience. We hope that by experiencing these kirtans you will be inspired to find some kirtan program near you, or even gather your friends and make your own kirtans!